Are You Prepared?

When unexpected grief or trauma occurs, leadership must properly communicate and guide their employees through an emotionally unsettling time. Most leaders find themselves unprepared.

That’s where we come in.

Traumatic Grief Solutions is the leader in training, preparedness, and crisis support services for businesses and communities.

Each year US businesses lose over $100 billion from employee absenteeism, reduced productivity, and employee turnover related to grief in the workplace.

– The Cost of Dying, 2024 report by empathy

The human toll of unexpected death and trauma is unquantifiable.

As business leaders you cannot prevent unexpected grief and trauma in the workplace, but you can engage in proactive planning to minimize the emotional and financial consequences.

The diverse and unforeseeable circumstances surrounding an unexpected crisis can make preparing for these events seem impossible. But it’s not.

Proactive Planning prepares your business for the diverse range of unexpected losses and traumas that can occur.

The TGS Proactive Planning system includes the following components:

  • Assessment of your business and leadership preparedness
  • Tailored communication, policies and procedures for unexpected traumatic events
  • Leadership and human resource traumatic grief trainings and skill sessions
  • Programs designed to integrate grief and trauma support into the fabric of company culture
  • Grief and trauma employee resources available for immediate distribution

TGS partners with business leaders and their organizations to create tailored strategies that prioritize preparedness, employee well-being and minimize disruption in the event of unexpected loss and trauma.

Why Proactive Planning Matters

When your business is not prepared for an unexpected loss or trauma, both the employees and business experience consequences.


Employees report

  • Dissatisfaction with their work culture and decreased morale
  • Lack of interest in work and looking for new jobs
  • Feeling devalued, unimportant, or isolated at work
  • Using more sick time and increased illness
  • Problems with concentration, focus, and decision-making
  • Higher consumption of substances to numb the pain of grief


Employers report

  • Loss of revenue
  • Decrease in employee productivity
  • Increase in worksite accidents
  • Higher workplace expenses
  • More stress among management
  • Greater levels of employee turnover
  • Bigger risks for legal complications

Are you ready to take the next step?

To learn more about how Traumatic Grief Solutions can help you proactively prepare for unexpected grief and trauma in the workplace, click below to see our unique services.

Support for Proactive Planning